The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 6 million children in the United States have received a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Despite their intelligence, children with ADD/ADHD may struggle to achieve the success they deserve due to the challenges posed by their symptoms.
Pharmacological intervention based on psychostimulant medication leads to a reduction of ADHD symptoms by increasing CNS arousal (Satterfield et al., 1974), but lacks long-term efficacy (Faraone & Buitelaar, 2010;Faraone & Glatt, 2010;Molina et al., 2009) and introduces adverse effects in 20- 50% of the patients (Charach et al., 2004;Efron et al., 1997;Goldstein & Goldstein, 1990). Still, 35- 45% of the patients with an "inattentive" type of ADHD and 10-30% of those diagnosed as "combined" type do not respond to medication, limiting the effectiveness of pharmaceutical intervention (Barkley, 1998;Hermens et al., 2006;Swanson et al., 1993). EEG biofeedback therapy for ADHD is one proposed alternative treatment and aims at restoring CNS arousal imbalances by training participants to suppress EEG rhythms associated with underarousal and enhance those rhythms associated with attention (J. F. Lubar & Shouse, 1976;Monastra et al., 2005;Thompson & Thompson, 1998).
Diaz et al (2012)
The positive impact of Neurofeedback on attentiveness and ability to focus occurs without introducing any foreign chemicals and often provides long term results.
Individuals diagnosed with ADD or ADHD often exhibit an abundance of Delta brainwave activity, which can impede their ability to concentrate and stay focused.
Neurofeedback can help balance this brainwave activity, enabling individuals to enhance impulse control, ability to focus and concentrate.
Dr. Serpe advocates for a comprehensive approach to addressing symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD that includes considering nutrition and lifestyle in addition to neurofeedback to optimize brain function.
Neurofeedback typically involves a 30-minute session where the person relaxes while watching a movie of their choosing. During the session, sensors are lightly attached to the scalp using conductive paste to measure brainwave activity in real-time. This information is then fed into specialized software that is programmed to detect brainwave imbalances.
If an imbalance is detected, the software sends "feedback" to the person in the form of dimming or brightening the video being watch. For example, if Delta brainwave activity is too high, the video may dim signaling to the brain to reduce Delta brainwave activity. This is an unconscious learning process not a conscious activity. Through this feedback mechanism, the brain learns to regulate itself, leading to better ability to focus on tasks perceived as boring, impulse control, and capacity to emotionally regulate over time.
It's important to note that neurofeedback is a non-invasive and painless process that has been found to be effective in improving symptoms associated with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other neurological conditions.
Check out this inspiring testimonial from a happy client who's child now enjoys a life free of the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.
Individuals diagnosed with ADD or ADHD often exhibit an abundance of Delta and/or Theta brainwave activity, which can impede their ability to concentrate and stay focused.
Neurofeedback can help to balance this brainwave activity, enabling people to enhance their capacity to concentrate and focus.
Dr. Serpe advocates for a comprehensive approach to ADD/ADHD that includes nutrition and lifestyle analysis in addition to neurofeedback therapy to optimize brain function.
At Home Brain Training is pleased to offer a free initial evaluation call to all those interested in a prescription-free, natural solution for ADD/ADHD symptoms. You can book your evaluation appointment right into Dr. Serpe's calendar by clicking on the button below or you can call us at: (813) 796-5747
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